Archive for translated comics for the series Tiger & Bunny. All credit goes to original artists, all translators and typesetters attributed as anon. If you have one I missed or the original pixiv link, let me know @ munich_burn1ng[at]hotmail.com

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All comics as of 8/3/2011

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Pitiful Men of the Week

20370588 Original translation Note: awkwaaaaard

1 comment:

  1. Hi - same thing as I commented on the other comic, I'm satoru-13 from tumblr, and I translated this comic for my blog, tb-scanlations...

    I was basically just wondering if it would be possible to have a link to credit me at all - I know that you have "Translations by various individuals." at the top, but I did put work into this, and a form of credit would be quite cool.

    The original link is here, if it's okay;;; http://tb-scanlations.tumblr.com/post/10121059030/in-which-yuri-consoles-kotetsu
